Delhi Journal of Contemporary Law

Delhi Journal of Contemporary Law - Volume 1

Postal Address : Law Centre-II Faculty of Law, University of Delhi (North Campus), Delhi-110007
Editor in Chief :

Prof. V.K. Ahuja, Professor-In-charge, Law Centre-II, University of Delhi

Email Address :
Editor :

Dr. Vageshwari Deswal, Associate Professor, Law Centre-II, University of Delhi

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Delhi Journal of Contemporary Law Volume 1, 2018

e-ISSN Number 2582-4570

Editorial Committee
1. Erosion of Hierarchical Discipline in the Supreme Court of India Yogesh Pratap Singh
2. Why It is so Important to Give Importance to Culture? Manju Chellani
3. Critical Analysis of Law Relating to Late-Term Abortions of Child Rape Victims Namrata Solanki
4. Criminalization of Marital Rape: Whether a Step Towards Promotion or Prohibition of Child Marriage? Mamta Rana
5. Admissibility of Electronic Records as Secondary Evidence Under Section 65B of the Indian Evidence Act: Recent Judicial Approaches Deepa Kharb
6. Social Globalization and Introduction of New Legal Norms: A Study in the Light of the Triple Talaq Ordinance 2018 Naseema P.K.
7. Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions: Then and Now Irwin L. Hnamte
8. Urgent Need of Law to Regulate The Situations of Hung Legislative Assemblies Krishna Murari Yadav
9. The Denied Rights and Endangered Identities: Indian Approach Towards Rohingyas amidst Humanitarian Crisis Ajay Sonawane
10. Constitutionality of Marital Rape: A Critical Analysis Deepa Babbar
11. Institutionalisation of Arbitration: A Need of ADR in India Akshay Verma
Notes, Comments and Opinions
1. Globalized Economic World: Structural Reforms of Indian Legal Profession and Education TSN Sastry
2.NOTA (None of the Above): Need to Re-Visit Arvind P. Bhanu
3. Interface Between Copyright and Human Rights Archa Vashishtha
4. Cyber Technology Nishesh Sharma
5. The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 Neha Aneja
6. Empirical Research on Mediation Ashutosh Mishra
7. Matrix of the Right to Privacy Case Niraj Kumar
8. Independent Thought v. Union of India: A Critical Comment Latika Vashist
9. Are We Really Serious about Women's Dignity? Let's Wait and Watch Jyoti Dogra
10.UNFCCC Detour: A Snapshot Arvind Jasrotia
11.The Political Tension Subverting Rule of International Law: Analyzing Kulbhushan Jadhav's case Ajay Tambulkar
12.National Green Tribunal and the Art of Living Case: A Case of Missed Opportunity Amrithnath SB